1. Curtis Regan steals a kiss from Louis Lane on Friday in Time Square in
New York City. Reagan joyfully kissed from Lane after the announcement
that the allies had defeated the Nazis, ending World War II.
Fillet takes his life on the horrific day of 9/11 at the twin towers in
New York City last Sunday. Fillet jumped tragically from the building,
which was on fire and about to collapse.
Famous actress and model Marilyn Monroe posed effortlessly in her most
recent photo for Cosmo Magazine. This photo shoot took place over a
manhole prop in NYYY studios, Tuesday November 5th.
4. Officer Manuel Sausedo holds little
Felix Gonzales and Johnny Trevino at gun point viciously. Terrified at a
safe home, brought to after being smuggled across the Cuban border
illegally, Felix was hidden by Mr.Trevino Saturday in Miami Florida, after the house was raided by SWAT.
5.Mrs.Telly's 3rd grade class walked across the parking lot in a
straight line outside of Spahn Side Elementary Tuesday morning.
Frightened horribly after being let go from the hostage school knowing
many friends and family are still inside with the angered man who is
told to be heavily armed.